Our Passion to create healthy low-carb product and Nutritionally Healthy products
True Green Foods is a premium healthy food brand focused on providing healthy food products to the masses. Our goal is to help individuals feel good about their food and create sustainable earth-friendly food products. We source our raw ingredients from farmers across the world to create products that are low-carb and healthy and a great addition to your diet.
Our Story
True Green Foods started as a passion to create healthy low-carb breakfast options and healthy food options for health-conscious individuals who are otherwise dealing with chronic metabolic diseases such diabetes, high blood pressure, hypercholesteremia and obesity. The dream was born out of the fact that many of the patients the they were seeing had compromised blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and determined that that oatmeal was their staple for breakfast and dinner when they wanted to go light on dinner options because they thought cereals were too dense in carbohydrates-nothing could have been further from the truth and little did they know that oatmeal may not be that healthy after all.
The brain behind the formation of True Green Foods brand, who are all health care professionals have helped tens of thousands of people to get off their medications and reverse their chronic conditions, through diet and nutrition.
After achieving new heights of wellness and vitality through real-food eating for their patients, True Green Foods was established to create, real-food pantry staples, starting with low carbohydrate breakfast staples and low carb “swallow” options.
Today, True Green Foods® delivers on its promise of uncompromisingly delicious breakfast options, healthy foods and low carbohydrate swallow meal options that focus on real food we love, clean ingredients, and uncompromisingly delicious flavors and options
True Green Food products are unlike any others that you’ll find in the grocery store. The entire collection aims to satiate exquisitely with real, simple, exceptional ingredients—like coconut, flax meal, almond and chia—that contain no dairy, gluten, grain, refined sugar, or soy.
So, what does that mean? It means that food can lead you down a path of disease, pain, and despair. Or it means that it can lift you up to new heights so you can find the greatest amount of pleasure, joy, and contentment from every moment possible. It means enjoying excellent health and wellness, loving time with family and friends, valuing a good night’s sleep, relishing a brisk workout, appreciating better productivity at work, and savoring every bite of food you eat.
So, what does that mean? It means that food can lead you down a path of disease, pain, and despair. Or it means that it can lift you up to new heights so you can find the greatest amount of pleasure, joy, and contentment from every moment possible. It means enjoying excellent health and wellness, loving time with family and friends, valuing a good night’s sleep, relishing a brisk workout, appreciating better productivity at work, and savoring every bite of food you eat.
The Question Now Becomes this:
What is Your Greatest Asset in Life?
Is it your high paying job? Is it your family? Is it your money?
How good will all these be if you have a debilitating disease, and you are in bed all day?
I believe your health should be your greatest asset.
Are you ready to embark on your health journey?
Is it your high paying job? Is it your family? Is it your money?
How good will all these be if you have a debilitating disease, and you are in bed all day?
I believe your health should be your greatest asset.
Are you ready to embark on your health journey?