Why we opted for better breakfast options rather than the “supposedly” healthy oatmeal.

  1. High carbs contains a starch called amylopectin A which amylase which is an enzyme in your mouth and stomach begins to break it down right away causing spikes in blood sugar which glycates all the cells your body. This includes cells in
    your brain, cartilage in joints, cells in gut and stomach lining 
  2. Increases insulin because of the blood sugar spikes, leading to insulin resistance the underlying cause of all metabolic diseases.
  3. Emerging research indicates decreasing your total cholesterol and even LDL may not be that healthy. To even lower your cholesterol with oatmeal, you will need or eat about 20 bowls per day to see that effect, which is not practical.
  4. Having high levels of insulin will let you store more fat not just in your belly or
    backside but your liver and pancreas, the 2 most common place to store fat in the
  5. Oatmeal has minerals and vitamins, but they are bound to a protein in oatmeal called Avenin.  So, all these vitamins and minerals passes through your gut, and you are unable to use them.
  6. Avenin is also a gluten like protein.  Even though oatmeal is gluten free technically, the avenin may act as gluten and increase gut inflammation from eating just oatmeal.
  7. The inflammation caused by avenin, the gluten like protein will start manifesting as gut inflammation and if you have IBS, Chron’s disease or ulcerative colitis, you will start getting worse when you start eating oatmeal every day.
  8. This inflammation that is because of avenin doesn’t always manifest in the gut. Sometimes it will manifest on the skin as worsening acne, eczema, psoriasis, and sometimes it will manifest in joints as arthritis joint pain. If you have autoimmune disorder, you can have the flare up by eating oatmeal.
  9. Oatmeal can also increase your triglycerides. Triglycerides is increased by too much sugar or carbohydrate and not fat and also by increasing your blood sugar, you will predispose yourself to high insulin levels called hyperinsulinemia which can increase your blood pressure.
  10. Since oatmeal is nutrient void and high in carbohydrate, you will digest through it very fast, and you be hungry again in 2 or less hours of eating.
  11. It has plant fiber so you will have larger bowel movement, which may be good, but it will flare up the colon and other digestive symptoms.
  12. If you follow the directions on the oatmeal where you probably add 2 whole wheat bread and glass of orange juice for example, you will magnify all the things mentioned by 2 or 3 times which can be detrimental to one’s health
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